To join us, please contact our Membership Secretary by email to At the moment we are welcoming new members. When we are at our maximum strength we operate a waiting list system, which means that you may have to be prepared to wait several months or even longer to join.
We particularly welcome applications from younger singers and from tenors and basses.
We are proud to be a non-auditioned choir; nevertheless previous choral experience and an ability to read music are both invaluable.
Members are normally asked to provide their own Vocal Scores. These are readily available from a wide variety of sources, such as Presto Music.
We expect each member to commit to the choir by attending at least 80% of weekly rehearsals, the Hampshire Choral Festival's pre-concert rehearsal and at least two out of their three joint rehearsals, as well as by participating in both Twyford Singers' main concerts.
These criteria are intended to be self-monitored and there are, of course, several mitigating factors (e.g. illness) but we do expect members to withdraw voluntarily from concerts or indeed from the choir, if they cannot meet the criteria. This helps to maintain the quality of our performances and is only fair to singers on our waiting list.
The annual subscription for 2024-25 is £150, rising to £165 in October. The subscription may be paid in two instalments of £75 in September and January. A concessionary rate is available for members who choose to sing only in rehearsals. The subscription normally covers the annual per capita fee for performing in the Hampshire Choral Festival. It is preferred if subscriptions are be paid by Bank Transfer. Our Bank Account details can be found on the Members' page. Cheques made payable to Twyford Singers (Hampshire) are, of course, an acceptable alternative.
Since we are a registered charity, we invite income tax paying members to complete a gift aid declaration, so that our Treasurer can reclaim tax from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.
We believe that our subscription, at under £5 per week, offers exceptional value for money.